New Journal Entry on Duels
in Colonial Happenings
Squire Bin Forever
I am Squire Bin Forever, New to You but Not to the World. I have experienced life for almost Four Centuries! I hail from many places in the Colonies of the United States of America.
A Brief History of a Squire:
Squire Bin Forever---1620-NOW
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To learn about my world, persons, families,
& communities with which I interact,
watch this slide show!
I am presently penning chapters into a forthcoming book, The Diary of a Squire, hopefully to be published in 2019." To read mini-chapters that have been excerpted from my diary, click on the button below
Our Nationwide Communities Activities

I presently join with Dennis & Nancy Cogswell, Co-authors of "Families Are Forever: Communication.
in speaking from Colony to Colony and State to State. The title of my typical presentation is:
A Little Then.
A Little There.
Some NOW.
Our conversations are adjusted to specifically fit the audience. Presentations are made to the general publics, professional groups, and University classes. Presentations are made in person & anywhere in the World where someone has a laptop and a high speed internet connection. The latter is done via the web conferencing software that Dr. D. shares with me.
Dennis and Nancy Cogswell reside in Williamsburg, Virginia in the 21th Century where I am at the present period of time.
in speaking from Colony to Colony and State to State. The title of my typical presentation is:
A Little Then.
A Little There.
Some NOW.
Our conversations are adjusted to specifically fit the audience. Presentations are made to the general publics, professional groups, and University classes. Presentations are made in person & anywhere in the World where someone has a laptop and a high speed internet connection. The latter is done via the web conferencing software that Dr. D. shares with me.
Dennis and Nancy Cogswell reside in Williamsburg, Virginia in the 21th Century where I am at the present period of time.